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This, That, or the Other?

Which custom meat share will you pick to fill your freezer?

Sheep Silhouette.png

Have a 100% grass-fed lamb processed to your preferences.  Lambs will yield approximately 35-40 pounds of packaged meat.  The cost is $425 per lamb and includes processing.  A 50% deposit will reserve your lamb and processing date.  Deposit can be made here.

Pig Silhouette.png

Have a whole or half corn/soy free pastured pig processed to your preferences.  Whole pigs will have a hanging weight of approximately 220 pounds, which will yield around 165 pounds of packaged meat.  The cost is $5/pound of hanging weight for either a half or a whole.  A 50% deposit will reserve your pig and processing date.  Deposit can be made here.

Cow Silhouette.png

Have a whole or half 100% grass-fed angus beef processed to your preferences.  Whole cows will have a hanging weight of approximately 700 pounds, which will yield around 455 pounds of packaged meat.  The cost is $6/pound of hanging weight for either a half or a whole.  A 50% deposit will reserve your beef and processing date.  Deposit can be made here.

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